General Gymnastics (GG)
General Gymnastics has always been centred around providing positive experiences for the children of Yorkshire. Numerous workshops over the years have supported the sharing of ideas to Pre-school, Team Gym, Disabilities, Display and Rhythmic coaches as well as the General Gymnastics coach who is wanting to improve their own knowledge so that they can continue to inspire their gymnasts.
We welcome all clubs to join us to help provide events and activities that will support the enjoyment of gymnastics for our children in the region.
The General Gymnastics (GG) division of YGA has existed since the creation of the Yorkshire Amateur Gymnastics Association back in 1898. Over the last century the importance of providing opportunities to develop fun, creative and exciting opportunities for children has been at the centre of its existence.
More recently, in 2008 a small number of like-minded individuals identified a need to provide competitions for children who were not on an elite gymnastics’ pathway. A committee was formed to co-ordinate friendly competition opportunities for girls and boys from the clubs in the Yorkshire region to enter. Over the decade we have continued to increase the number of places we have available for the children of Yorkshire to compete.
During our last full year of competition (2019) we provided heats in West, South & North Yorkshire early in the year culminating in a Spring Yorkshire Final and a Yorkshire Boys competition, then in the late summer we created and managed with the help of our clubs all of the events again. In total nearly 1000 floor routines and 2000 vaults were performed in front of our supportive audiences. These events also provided an opportunity for new judges to learn their craft alongside our wonderful, experienced judges from the GG Yorkshire clubs network.
If you would like to find out more about General Gymnastics and what we can do to support you and your club, please do not hesitate to get in touch, we look forwards to hearing from you.

Girls compete 8 skills on floor which coaches will pick for the gymnasts from various skills on the criteria list. There's 5 compulsory components forward/backward/sideways/leap or jump/ strength or flexibility, then any 3 extra to make it up to 8 skills.
Gymnasts will also compete vault with various choices to pick from to suit the gymnasts ability. They will perform 2 vaults (same or different) and the highest score will be picked from the two performed.
Boys competitions are very similar but they compete 10 skills on floor which coaches will pick for the gymnasts from a skills criteria list.
There's 5 compulsory components forward/backward/sideways/leap or jump/ strength or flexibility, then coaches can choose any 5 extra to make it up to the 10 skills.
Gymnasts will also compete vault with various choices to pick from to suit the gymnasts ability. They will perform 2 vaults (same or different) and the highest score will be picked from the two performed.